암을 위한 음식 - Cancer the first
Cancer is abnormal cells growing everyday in our body, but our immune systems fight against cancer each time it appears. When our body's defence system is weakened, which can be called as over-acidificated, it becomes a group of diseases spreading other parts of the body. I would like to share information how to fight against cancer from my study. To Find What Makes You Weak This is important to find out what makes your body weak against cancer, because knowing yourself may be the first step to fight, and the second must be knowing your enemy that cancer appeared in your body such as how it grows and dies. Test with pH test paper to find out your body whether your body is over-acidificated which can possibly lead cancer go wild. Your body can be acidificated from stress, fatigue, insomnia, acidic food, less work out, etc. Defining acidity A pH of 0 indicates a high level of acidity. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH of 14 is the most basic, or alk...