
Showing posts from February 28, 2010


Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 For such a remarkable bargain, Microsoft includes Win server 2003, sharepoint services, exchange server 2003, firewell technology, and five client access licenses as standard editions. for premium edition, Microsoft includes SQL server 2000, internet security and acceleration server 2000, office frontpage 2003. MWSBS2003 administrator's companion is a handy reference and assistant for the busy network administrator, whether the administrator is on the scene or accessing the network from another location. Notes generally represent alternate ways to perform a task or some information that needs to be highlighted. Tips are ways of performing tasks more quickly or in a not-so-obvious manner. Security Alert is important when it comes to a computer network. security elements should be carefully noted and acted on. Caution contains important warnings about the subject at hand or critical information about the safety of your system. ...

connecting phone to utp

Line 1 Tip = Green = White/Blue 568B Line 1 Ring = Red = Blue 568B Line 2 Tip = Black = White/Orange 568B Line 2 Ring = Yellow = Orange 568