
Showing posts from October 13, 2023

Game is evil

Game needs your time to spend, but your time is limited.  Each life means for something else rather than for you to play game whole day this is fun to play for a while, but not forever, it is very short time you can enjoy with, but you will lose lots of things from your life including your family and your life that you could've done something improve your skill or develop your talent or spend time with your loved family instead, specially memory, because you will have only memory with playing game in your life. however, we choose our life by our own will, and you and I would regret so much when you figured out that you've been tricked by fun things, you would know which is more important than fun when you lose and failed... so I concluded that it's evil, game is evil, just to let you spend life on something useless, but pass very important moment of life....